Highland Wind Farm

Ampyr Energy and ESB Asset Development UK, in partnership with four Highland Estates are currently investigating the potential their land offers to help deliver net-zero for Scotland through renewable energy generation.

The proposals are currently developing further, following feedback from consultees, the local community and our environmental assessments.  Permission has now also been granted for a meteorological mast by The Highland Council.

This website will be kept updated throughout the development process to keep you informed as the plans progress and to receive feedback

The second round of community consultation took place from the 29th - 31st October 2024, and you can find the information displayed in the documents section here.

The importance of taking action to address the Climate Emergency is recognised both nationally and internationally and successive EU, UK and Scottish Governments have set clear obligations to this end. This has been done by establishing firm commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through, in part, the promotion and use of renewable energy.

In line with advice from the Committee on Climate Change (CCC), in preparing the Climate Change Act 2019, the Scottish Government has set a target date of 2045 for reaching net-zero emissions and raised the ambition of the 2030 and 2040 targets to 70% and 90% emissions reductions respectively.  The Climate Change Act 2019 means that Scotland has the most stringent statutory targets in the world.

The CCC’s advice is that Scotland can now achieve such a target, provided that action is taken to develop further renewable energy assets. Wind farms such as this will help us achieve this aim.