Feedback Form - Proposed Wind Farm and Energy Storage
Privacy Statement
By filling in this form, you agree that Highland Wind Farm Ltd can hold and utilise your personal data in relation specifically to the proposed wind farm. Your identifiable, personal data will not be used for any other purposes without your consent or shared to external parties. Data Protection. We hold all personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679 and your personal data will not be transferred outside of the European Economic Area. We will only use your data to:
Send you updates about the project (where you provide us with your contact details and preferences).
Develop a Statement of Community Consultation (or similar document) about this public consultation that will be submitted to the planning authority or similar body; this will be a publicly available document. Your comments will be anonymous.
Contact you to clarify any comments you have made if you provide us with your contact details.
Comments made to Highland Wind Farm are not representations to the Scottish Ministers and if we submit an application there will be an opportunity to make representations on that application to the Scottish Ministers directly.